Sharing the Resource of Love

We have been praying... haven't we? We continue to have so many opportunities to use our power of prayer to interweave light, healing, and love! Our families, friends, our Earth, and Her creatures are all in need... and let's not forget ourselves!

While prayer is a deeply individual, personal and spiritual practice that can provide solace, strength, and connection to many individuals. It can be a way to express gratitude, seek guidance, and offer blessings for ourselves and others. Many people find comfort in the belief that their prayers can bring positive energy, healing, and love to those they care about and to the world as a whole.

Prayer can take various forms and be directed towards various purposes, including:

  1.  Praying for the well-being and healing of others, including family and friends, is a common form of intercessory prayer. This can be a way to show empathy, support, and care for those facing challenges.

  2.  Expressing gratitude through prayer is a way to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings and positive aspects of life. It can help shift focus toward the good things we have.

  3.  Some people use prayer as a form of meditation and self-reflection. It can be a way to connect with one's inner self, seek clarity, and find peace.

  4.  Concern for the environment and the well-being of the planet has led to the practice of praying for the Earth and its creatures. It's a way to express care for the environment and promote responsible stewardship.

  5.  Taking time to pray for oneself can be a form of self-care. It can provide comfort, strength, and a sense of purpose.

  6. Prayers can also be a means of fostering a sense of common unity, or  community among like-minded individuals who come together to pray for shared values and causes.

Ultimately, the power of our prayers lies in their ability to offer hope, support, and a connection to something greater than oneself. While beliefs about the specific outcomes of prayer may vary among individuals and religions, the act of prayer itself often provides a sense of peace and purpose to those who practice it.

Recently our community engaged thousands of us in prayers for Lee Carroll and his heart surgery, which was a resounding success! Now, it's the Hawaiian Island fire devastation. These situations remind us of how precious life is. Aren't we grateful for our Family and this wonderful way of connecting through the field?

It's delightfully heartwarming to hear how our community coming together in support of Lee Carroll and celebrating the success of his heart surgery. Such collective acts of prayer and positive energy are a source of great comfort, faith, trust, and strength during challenging times.

The devastating wildfires in Hawaii, like many natural disasters, serve as poignant reminders of the fragility of life and the importance of unity and support within communities. In these times of crisis, when people  rally together, we are demonstrating the power of human compassion and connection.

Indeed, our sense of gratitude for the ability to connect with others through shared experiences, prayer, and positive intentions can be deeply profound. We can experience these beautiful moments of connection to provide solace and remind us of the inherent interconnectedness of all living beings.

In the face of adversity, communities that come together in solidarity can often find resilience and hope, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. It's a testament to the strength of human bonds and the capacity for compassion and empathy.

As we reflect on the preciousness of life and the power of collective intention, it's a reminder of the importance of cherishing our loved ones, supporting each other, and finding ways to contribute to the well-being of our communities and the world at large... we touch the whole world with our prayers!

I believe that prayers from the heart are always heard and felt. I feel that quantity isn't the issue with prayers, but quality and focus are. Fancy is not required... but heartfelt is!

Your beliefs that heartfelt prayers are always heard and felt, and that the quality and focus of prayers are more important than quantity or fanciness, is a sentiment shared by many people of various spiritual and religious backgrounds. This perspective emphasizes the importance of our depth of connection and intention. Here are a few more points that align with your belief:


I've put together some of my favorite ways to engage with Prayer Communities for multiply prayers. Check them out and see if you resonate with the support and focus there. May the source of wisdom and Light within you be your guide!


  1. SRF (Self Realization Fellowship prayer requests
  2. Unity Church prayer requests
  3. Light A Candle
  4. For members of Healing WednesdayMiracle Moments
ChatUltimately, the power of our prayers lies in their ability to offer hope, support, and a connection to something greater than oneself. While beliefs about the specific outcomes of prayer may vary among individuals and religions, the act of prayer itself often provides a sense of peace and purpose to those who practice it.

I'm sure there are others. If you have a favorite, I'd love to hear from you!


My love and prayerful light to you, Amber Mele'ha