My Life in the World of Kryon

I read my first KRYON book in 1989; little did I know how that information and that energy would affect my life in years to come. I kept reading the books as they came out, every year, along with other spiritual books that crossed my path. It never occurred to me to find this Lee Carroll guy and experience the KRYON energy in person; imagine! When I met Sid Wolf in Colorado in 1998, he was a friend of Lee’s from San Diego. Sid gave me The Journey Home book on cassette tape to listen to and I was hooked! I got to meet Lee through this audiobook and feel the energy of the Angels. Later that year Sid and I traveled to Sante Fe, NM for the Kryon Summer Light Conference where I met Lee in person. I was impressed by how kind and genuine he was right from the start; 20-something years later, I can still say the same!

Just a couple of years later, Lee asked me to produce the Journey Home workshop, then asked me to become a facilitator. What came next was the life-changing Discovery Event, which I also produced and also facilitated. One step at a time I became immersed in the Kryon energy and a beautiful relationship with my spiritual brother, Lee Carroll.

In 2010 Lee asked me to travel and teach with him, and of course, I said a big YES! This amazing opportunity took me to places around this country, Canada, and around the world that I never would have imagined. What a blessing to find my mission (to help women awaken to their power) and my passion (for travel) in one place! 

It only took one year of this lifestyle for my Lemurian Akash to give me a big jolt of awakening that began the Lemurian Sisterhood and my connection to the Pleiadian Star Mothers.

Now, the connection to Lee Carroll, Kryon, and the Star Mothers continues to lead me in new directions, as we celebrate the first year of the beautiful Shamanic Teaching Wheel school - how amazing.

Looking back is always a wonderful way to see how far we've come. May your past give you a feeling of delight for your present. And may your present be filled with hope for your future. 

Where were you on 12/21/2012 ? This was what has been known as The Great Shift. That was a magical date for so many of us, wherever we happened to be physically. My path brought me to the Lemurian Choir on Maui. It had been over 30 years since I’d been on any of the Hawaiian Islands, and I’d never been to Maui. But the Kryon Gaia Global Consciousness event, the Choir, and the Lemurian Sisterhood event aligned to create a genuinely uplifting memorable week there. It was Lee’s inspiration and the Kryon information that has created the Choir and the Sisterhood through us~ more blessings! 

This event really catapulted the Lemurian Sisterhood into a new era of being. Social media brought us into the world in a bigger way and helped us reach more women. 

Now, in 2023, we have Sacred Circles around the world, held by amazing, empowered women around the world who are Emmisaries of the Star Mother's teachings.


…we are sacred

I wanted to thank you so much for sharing with all of us In Myrtle Beach, SC. It was a wonderful Lemurian experience. I hope that we can get Lee, Kryon and you to come to Orlando, FL.

I was hoping to listen to our wonderful “We are Sacred” song that opened for Lee on Sunday.  It is so powerful. It was wonderful to meet and connect with such wonderful women! 


...the incredibly safe and loving environment

My normally reserved personality became more open and I found it far easier to reach out to others, which is a blessing in and of itself. I believe this was all possible because of the incredibly safe and loving environment that the entire Kryon team helped to create. Great love and thanks to you both.


I have personally experienced transformation and renewal...

Both as a participant and an assistant to the discovery staff, I have personally experienced transformation and renewal in each of my Kryon Discovery experiences. It has also been rewarding to observe significant growth and expansion by many in attendance at these events. Attend expecting miracles and leave having experienced them.


Kryon Prayer

I give this day to all that is Divine.
Each step that I take,
Let it be anointed and blessed.
If challenges come forth,
As they may in duality,
Let me celebrate them
And move through them,
With appropriateness and love.
So it is.



Le entrego este día a todo lo que es Divino.
Que cada paso que dé, sea ungido y bendecido.
Si aparecen desafíos, como pueden hacerlo en la dualidad,
Déjame celebrarlos y moverme a través de ellos
Apropiadamente y con amor.
Así es.




Je donne cette journée à tout ce qui est Divin.
À chaque pas que je fais,
Qu’il soit oint et béni.
Au cas où des défis se présenteraient,
Ce qui est tout à fait possible dans la dualité,
Laissez-moi les célébrer,
Et les dépasser,
Avec justesse et amour.
Ainsi soit-il.

See Upcoming Kryon Events